Practice Better Movement Skills For Better Living
"Through the Pilates Method of Body
- Joseph Pilates
These sessions are personalized workouts, to be completed in the studio and beyond. The work will encourage consistency in the development of new movement skills, which bolster healthy movement patterns and establish a mindful movement practice, that can be taken into every aspect of daily life, fitness
Private Lessons, Full Session
(55 minutes)
These 55-minute sessions are an opportunity to work one-on-one with an instructor. As you move through the foundation exercises and Pilates repertoire, you and your instructor work on core movement skills, develop relevant homework to be done
Private Lessons, Half Session
(30 Minutes)
These one on one 30 minute sessions are a distilled version of the full sessions. They are the perfect amount of time to focus on specific movement skills, bolster your home practice, or finesse your Self-Directed Workout. After the completion of your 30-minute lesson, you have up to 25 minutes to work independently within the studio utilizing the equipment.
Duets & Trios
These sessions are an opportunity to work in pairs or trios with a single teacher. Clients may work on the same exercises simultaneously, or individually, depending on the focus of the session.
Ready to get started?
Click below to schedule an assessment right online. Interested in more information? Please fill out your contact information on this page and a team member will get in touch shortly.