Wow, I didn’t think I’d ever have the spine flexibility I got back from working with Kirstin and her team at Everybody Pilates. They are so real and down to earth, focused on your actual body versus all those fakey Pilates studios that are just traditional fitness studios jumping on the bandwagon of Pilates’ popularity. If you know what real pilates is— integrated healing movement— this studio is where you’ll find a home.

What a fantastic workout at Everbody Pilates! After learning the correct ways to perform the exercises, I was able to join classes and become stronger. After about 4 months I noticed a change- my hips no longer ached, I was sleeping better and I was able to easily carry heavy items. After almost 4 years I’m in the best shape of my life! As with anything it takes patience and practice.
All the teachers at Everybody Pilates are incredibly knowledgeable and Kirstin the owner has set up a warm, welcoming studio and online environment. The classes are SO GOOD and the teachers are all able to adjust for the students needs and abilities. I can’t wait for class Wednesday night!

I’ve been attending classes at Every Body Pilates since May 2022. EB Pilates is unlike any exercise I’ve tried. I prefer it to lifting weights, yoga, ballet, etc. I feel like the exercises and movements have made my body stronger *inside*. I have more flexibility in my hips and feet, my shoulders hurt less, I slouch less and am more aware of how I am using my body. I began with in-home video practice and private lessons with Brittany, eventually graduating to group classes. I now take group classes 1-2 times/week, led by both Brittany and Shannon. I also graduated from the video lessons and continue to do the in-home exercises 5-7 days/week. They do not take much time and I feel the difference on the days I am too busy to do them. The studio is clean, calm and is filled with many reformers and props. The primary focus seems to be learning the movements properly, without pain, using props and modifications as needed. I’d taken pilates elsewhere and the exercises were not really explained, it seemed about how many reps or how many ‘hundreds’ you could do. My back always felt tweaky afterwards. Here, I never feel rushed and instructions are given in a clear, calm manner. I was nervous about using the reformers but now look forward to using them during class. Group classes feel very supportive, there is no competitiveness and people move at their own pace. I highly recommend the studio and encourage you to give them a try.

I am a 70 year old man and a card-carrying pilates skeptic. To me, it always fell into the "woo woo" category, like hot yoga. But I have significant deterioration of the cartilage at the base of my spine and I'd do almost anything to relieve the pain. So I made an appointment with Kirstin at Every Body Pilates. That was about six months ago. Last week I told my orthopedic surgeon that I didn't think I'd need surgery. I am mobile, not pain-free but dramatically more comfortable, and I've lost 15 pounds. I still feel ridiculous writhing around in my tights, but I am here to testify: this really works!

Just wanted to say how impressed I am with the cleanliness of the studio and all the Covid appropriate measures you have taken! I feel completely safe and so enjoy being back on the reformers. I felt a vast difference in work out results and to have each area sectioned off at a minimum of 15Ft is absolutely amazing, with the window units installed to clear the air and every item meticulously sanitized, I can't say enough about how safe a work out space for this unusual time you have created, Thank you.

I just wanted to reach out to THANK YOU for saving me during this COVID19 Quarantine.
Everything about the Virtual Pilates experience has been so easy and convenient. I do not consider myself very tech savvy, however, ZOOM has been easy to learn, and the staff has been great if folks have any questions. The setup time is incredibly easy and convenient – place a towel or mat on the floor and turn on my computer and breathe!
I always feel so great after each class. I definitely feel less stressed and truly forget about my worries for a little while.
What is most impressive is that the quality of the workouts continue to be exceptional and challenging! Each instructor maintains their usual clear direction and provide feedback and/or guidance if needed.
There is so much out of our control these days, I am grateful to be able to take care of my physical and mental health. Thank you for helping me reach this goal!

Please know how helpful it has been to be able to have Pilates classes on line. Mentally and physically it has been wonderful so I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I miss everyone but taking classes on Zoom has really helped so much.
Hope to see you all soon.
Barbara N.

I have been going to EBP for over 15 years and have worked with many of their teachers during that time, including my current teachers, Claire and Kirstin. They are all remarkably knowledgeable and dedicated to your body and how to help you understand it and work with it to be your best. In addition to the core discipline of Pilates, they bring many other disciplines to the studio to help each client pursue a combination that is best for that client. I love the addition of Personal Trainers, including Lisette, who is making me feel stronger than this over 60 body has felt in years.

I am continually impressed by the caliber of your staff. I have had one hell of a year with my shoulder injury in September (humeral fracture and rotator cuff injury) followed by a lingering case of benign positional vertigo. I am finally back to classes andprivate lessons and am appreciating the knowledge and attention to detail of your teachers!

My body has gotten much more out of Pilates with Leslie than it ever got out of PT. All of the instructors are knowledgeable and well trained at Every Body Pilates. I have felt a real improvement in my posture and back.

I have been going to this studio for over 8 years. I was a complete novice (and pretty out of shape) when I started. I am now an evangelist for Pilates in general and for this studio in particular. I have had many teachers at EveryBody Pilates over the years and every single one of them has been an excellent teacher who gave me a different perspective on my body and how it works. They all have truly generous spirits that allow them to focus on the client and whatever body you happen to bring to the studio that day. You don’t have to worry about only working with this teacher or that teacher. They’re all wonderful. Make an appointment and get started.

I’ve been exercising at Every Body Pilates for five years because of the excellent teaching and the genuinely friendly and welcoming environment. The well-trained instructors provide challenging and varied techniques for moving my body during class and throughout life, making me strong, healthy and integrated while avoiding injury.

For the last few years running has been a challenge with knee pain. A busy work schedule in addition to knee pain put a damper on my exercise routine. Having weekly Personal Training privates with Lisette I am finally back on track, regularly running pain-free and feeling great! Lisette is the best and really knows how to challenge you while paying attention to form and proper function.

Dear EBP Team,
Most of you know that the primary reason I joined EBP was so I could recover from a hamstring injury I sustained almost two years ago. My favorite activity is running and I had not been able to run since that injury. I am happy to say that this past weekend, I ran both Saturday and Sunday without any pain and or ill effects. Granted, I need to get myself back into running shape, but this is the first time I could run for a sustainable period in two years and it was really fun! I credit this recovery to the strength and body awareness I have gained from practicing Pilates. This has been the best thing to come out of quarantine for me, because without the shutdown I would not have been able to focus as much on Pilates. Of course, this is just a milestone in my return to fitness and the journey is never complete, but I just wanted to thank you for your role in my recovery!!
See you in class!
Best, Shannon

I’ve been a multi sport athlete as well as a college coach coach since the late 1980s (DIII and then DI). As I’ve aged, I’ve used Pilates to manage various ongoing physical challenges – am over 50 now and have been going to Every Body Pilates for almost 10 years. About about five years ago, I was recovering from a rotator cuff injury and focused on Pilates and Red Cord in lieu of PT after not seeing much in the way of a positive outcomes. The results of working with Kirstin were incredibly gratifying and, as importantly, profoundly successful – I have full range of motion and returned strength. The reason professional athletes, high–performing athletes, and many individuals around the world choose Pilates and Red Cord is because these practices efficiently enhance balance, strength and mobility. What differentiates Every Body Pilates is their distinction between teaching movements for movement’s sake versus creating a platform for growth and transformation in each of their students through movement. The mind body connection in Pilates and Red Cord is direct, the movements require a level of concentration and attention to detail that few sports or individual practices demand. Kirstin has enabled me to experience consistent and noticeable improvement because of her her deep knowledge of the practice, her incredible spirit, the excellent equipment she’s assembled. And, by the way, her studio space is incredible – clean, open, light, and incredibly well equipped – the space just has a great vibe.
I’ve spent years maintaining my fitness in a number of modalities – many team and individual sports, strength training, yoga, and even using a personal training but nothing compares to what Kirstin and her staff can accomplish over time. Sure, I am a bit biased because of my enthusiasm, but for anyone considering a different path towards a deeper mind body connection, just becoming fitter and stronger and/or managing a physical challenge, there is no better place to continue your journey than with Kirstin and all her staff at Every Body Pilates.

Every Body Pilates is a light and open studio which feels welcoming. When I started two years ago, I worked with different instructors. Now I’m working with Claire but all the instructors have been encouraging and knowledgeable.
At the beginning of each session, Claire asks how I’m doing, listens to my answer, and structures our session to meet my needs. When I bring up a concern from the week, she includes exercises for it. We’ve developed a home routine that I don’t miss because I’ve found it helpful. As someone who has not exercised consistently in life, I’m amazed and pleased with the results.
My experience leads me to strongly recommend Every Body Pilates!

An amazing team of professionals. They've been leading the local Pilates scene for over a decade and have helped me tremendously. I recently had a hip replacement, and now go three days a week. Have not felt this fit in 20 years!

I agree with the first reviewer that this studio can change your life. Every teacher I have worked with is fabulous. I’ve done pilates in other settings, and only in this one did the teachers so effectively communicate how to make contact with inner core muscles that I could never really grasp previously. They have really changed how I look on the outside but even more so, how it feels to live in my body. The beautiful, soothing environment, the teaching about breath, the coordination between breath and body movement – I’m an experienced athlete and psychotherapist, and I can honestly say this place ranks among the best for body and mind that I know of. The Boston area is lucky to have them, and I am incredibly grateful to live within walking distance. My only hesitation in writing this review is that the classes will fill up and I won’t get in !!! But truly – go here, if you want to be strong in body and mind.

This is such a wonderful, bright studio with the most welcoming and caring staff. They are expert at working with each individual's needs and body movement. After spending many years running long distances, my body had some specific areas that were limiting my ability to do certain things, and now with Pilates as part of my regular week, I can move pain free and I am actually running again. I have loved this place so much I actually considered getting certified (through them!) as a Pilates teacher. Love them!

I wanted to drop you a note to thank you for what Every Body Pilates has done for me over the past year. I started my Pilates journey in April 2013 after it was suggested to me by my massage therapist Emily Corrigan. As she knew all too well, I was living with intense lower back strain and was always in a great deal of pain. She told me that strengthening my core would help my back immensely. I was skeptical (and terrified), but I trusted her advice – and I’m so glad that I did!
In November 2012, I threw my back out – it was BAD. I had to roll out of bed onto all fours and crawl to the bathroom – this was no way for anyone to live, especially not a reasonably fit 36 year old. I was given pain relievers and muscle relaxers and told to alternate heat/cold. I have practiced Bikram yoga since 2009 but I was so afraid of tweaking anything that my yoga practice began to suffer as well. I started visiting a chiropractor and between then and my first session at EBP 5 months later – I went in for realignment 7 times. In the year that I have been practicing at Every Body Pilates, I have only visited the chiropractor 3 times (in 12 months!). What a difference a year makes. I am stronger, more aware of my core and the relationship to my back, and more motivated than ever to continue on this path.
I may never have 6 pack abs or Jennifer Aniston’s “pilates shoulders” – but for me, it’s not about that. It’s about living my life pain free and knowing what works to make me happy, healthy and most importantly – upright with great posture! I will forever be grateful for your guidance and for changing my life for the better through Pilates.

Everybody Pilates studio has changed my life and my relationship with my body. Kirsten has created the most beautiful environment for this transformation to take place. If I could, I would go everyday without any resistance, unlike going to the gym. You can feel the strong community of teachers and staff when you walk in, and the training is spot on, caring, and cautious. I have never felt that I would get injured while the staff are there. What I love the most is that the space, the teachers, and the light provide a perfect balance for both mental and physical balance. Pilates can be subtle at first, but the beauty with Everybody Pilates is that the work you do in the studio stays with you when you walk out the door. I am so lucky to have this practice in my life, and Everybody Pilates has made this happen. It is rare to find a studio like this. Kirstin deFrees is tireless in her attention to every aspect of the studio. She is always creating new ideas, programs, and events that serve all the clients of Everybody Pilates.

Everybody Pilates has been a great addition to my movement practice. The instructors are extremely knowledgeable and understand how to teach people to move safely. The space is very nicely laid out and has a great vibe. If you’re interested in Pilates or just want to move better this is definitely a place you should check out.

I have been coming to Every Body Pilates for my Pilates workouts for over eight years … I highly recommend it to anyone of any fitness level. The instruction you will receive is superior to any I’ve experienced elsewhere. This is a testament to the talent of the owner, Kirstin. She extremely professional, intuitive about what your body needs, and she attracts other top Pilates instructors who share her talent and love of working with clients.

I have been a client at Every Body Pilates since their Cushing Square days. The level of skill for the teachers is always top notch. I cannot recommend them enough!

If anyone is truly interested in the art of Pilates, and seeks the best environment to learn the essence of core strength building, it is, by far Every Body Pilates! … after years of yoga and weight training, I can honestly say the results I have achieved far outshine those provided by other methods!

I can't say enough good things about Every Body Pilates. Whether you are seasoned at pilates or a complete beginner, recovering from an injury or just looking to move better, this is the place to go.
EBP had a beautiful studio with all the equipment you could imagine. It is clean, spacious and all of the equipment is in great shape. But the best part about EBP is the instructors. They are all extremely knowledgeable, welcoming and attentive. It doesn't matter who you take a class with, the experience will always be a good one.
I found EBP while looking to try out pilates to diversify my training as a suggestion from an old coach. But at that same time, I was suffering from a shoulder injury that limited what I could do. Little did I know that Pilates would not only provide me an excellent form or exercise but would help me rehab my shoulder.
Pilates helped free my shoulder impingement and has made me a better mover. Strengthening my core/learning to use it when moving has carried over to my strength training and made me stronger. And it has alleviated hip pain I used to experience when running. I am challenged each and every class, in a really good way, and wish I found pilates years ago.
And while Pilates is amazing, I have to attribute the benefits I've experienced to the EBP instructors. Their knowledge and attention to each body's limits and needs is truly outstanding.
With respect to the types of classes at EBP, they have something for everyone. The classes are kept small which allows for a lot of instructor attention. Some are faster paced and 45 minutes while others are a bit slower, level specific and 55 minutes. EBP also offer private sessions, duets or trios. I started out with a beginner package of 4 private seasons with Kate, to get my feet wet and to see what i would be able to do with my shoulder injury. I loved both pilates and Kate so much that I've continued taking one on one from her. I also attend classes once a week as often as I can. The level of attention provided in the classes never ceases to amaze me. As I mentioned earlier, all of the instructors are superb and I would recommend any one of them.
So all in all, I highly recommend Every Body Pilates.

As a former Division I college athlete I had many ideas about what strength training and fitness should look like. After working with Kirsten at Every Body Pilates for just a few months I was stronger, leaner and more integrated than I had ever been before. After a year I feel like I have a totally different body.

I am so grateful that I found this studio. I had a serious back injury 20 years ago and ever since have been so cautious and timid about doing anything that might hurt it again -- to the point where I've not kept my body strong. Until now! Everyone I've worked with in the studio has been conscientious and understanding about my concerns, and I'm learning how to safely become strong again. The whole studio has a welcoming, come-as-you-are vibe and to top it all off, it's a gorgeous, clean space. Can't recommend it enough.

Kirstin’s personal attention and great listening has helped me get my body and mind back after my last two pregnancies. Being a mother herself, she really understands how to work with your body, tweak the part that’s really hurting, and help build the strength that every mother needs!

Beautiful studio with a great vibe! Kirstin is truly amazing and attentive. Fantastic, core-burning workout with proper form emphasized and corrections given. Would recommend to men and women of all ages!

The Every Body Fitness Studio in Belmont is a treasure. Owner Kirsten deFrees has artfully outfitted this tiny jewel box of a studio with state of the art Pilates equipment and offers a wide range of classes and individual training on both mat and equipment. The real gems here are the instructors though. Many have been with Every Body Fitness for years, and all come to the studio only after studying Pilates exercises as Joseph Pilates intended, with a thorough understanding of body mechanics, how to adapt exercises to every individual, and knowing what is realistic for each person. These are not people who took a weekend course and call themselves Pilates instructors!
Personally, I have been a loyal client of Every Body Fitness for 8 years, with Anne Marie DeGirolamo as my instructor for most of that time. She has helped me regain nearly a full range of motion after my knee replacement, get back in shape after abdominal surgery, and is now working with me to help alleviate pain from several herniated discs in my back. Along the way I have increased strength and flexibility, better posture and a flatter tummy! I think it says a lot that after moving from Lexington to Bedford I continue to go to Every Body Fitness; their wonderful combination of people, equipment and classes cannot be duplicated.