Barbara N. - Please know how helpful it has been to be able to have Pilates classes on line. Mentally and physically it has been wonderful so I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I miss everyone but taking classes on Zoom has really helped so much.
Hope to see you all soon.
Barb S. - I just wanted to reach out to THANK YOU for saving me during this COVID19 Quarantine.
Everything about the Virtual Pilates experience has been so easy and convenient. I do not consider myself very tech savvy, however, ZOOM has been easy to learn, and the staff has been great if folks have any questions. The setup time is incredibly easy and convenient – place a towel or mat on the floor and turn on my computer and breathe!
I always feel so great after each class. I definitely feel less stressed and truly forget about my worries for a little while.
What is most impressive is that the quality of the workouts continue to be exceptional and challenging! Each instructor maintains their usual clear direction and provide feedback and/or guidance if needed.
There is so much out of our control these days, I am grateful to be able to take care of my physical and mental health. Thank you for helping me reach this goal!
Shannon - Dear EBP Team,
Most of you know that the primary reason I joined EBP was so I could recover from a hamstring injury I sustained almost two years ago. My favorite activity is running and I had not been able to run since that injury. I am happy to say that this past weekend, I ran both Saturday and Sunday without any pain and or ill effects. Granted, I need to get myself back into running shape, but this is the first time I could run for a sustainable period in two years and it was really fun! I credit this recovery to the strength and body awareness I have gained from practicing Pilates. This has been the best thing to come out of quarantine for me, because without the shutdown I would not have been able to focus as much on Pilates. Of course, this is just a milestone in my return to fitness and the journey is never complete, but I just wanted to thank you for your role in my recovery!!